And I *would* like to state, for the record, that there are TWO projects that are waiting for me to post them; I have not been sitting on my laurels the last half year!

After officially launching Twilight Ember Education Services (new parent company of the long existing Twilight Attire) this past spring, I’ve done a lot of thinking about the different aspects of the company. There’s the textile lines, consisting of the line of kinky accessories available at a number of adult boutiques and on my Etsy page, and there’s the line of historically inspired costumes on view on this blog page and website, and occasionally available for purchase. Then there’s the educational aspect. I plan to include seminars, presentations and demonstrations like those I’ve given in the past at museums and libraries (and online more recently), but printed educational publications were also a target goal.

Once I established the beginning of a client base for my product line this summer, I began thinking more seriously about what those published offerings might look like (since in-person presentations are still dodgy). I decided to use my line of costumes, specifically the Victorian-inspired costumes I’ve made over the last decade for Steampunk events and conventions like TeslaCon, as the basis for an informational book on costuming! I already had a wealth of images from multiple photo shoots over the years, as well as process photos and notes from this blog on many of the costumes. I decided to combine those two things with practical tips and strategies for approaching some challenging sewing and costuming techniques, and the basis of the book was set.

In early fall I began making plans; coordinating a photographer (the talented Robert Remme!) for new, stunning photos, and gathering information from on-demand publishers. It occurred to me in late September that I could use the Kickstarter platform to help fund the initial print run of the book, and the planning really took off in earnest then.

Photo by Kate Loomis

On November 3rd, from a booth at TeslaCon, I launched the Kickstarter for The Victorian Collection: Advanced Costuming Techniques! By the end of the weekend we had reached nearly 25% of the funding goal, and were halfway by the end of the first week. It was my first Kickstarter, and very exciting! The campaign finished in the beginning of December, well over the funding goal.

Beyond hitting the goal, I also determined that if I went with offset printing, I could order 40% more books for the same cost. Bonus!

A reasonable facsimile of the final product!
Photo by Robert Remme

Between finishing the photography and editing, then final layout, I anticipate that the books should arrive in April (allowing some time for what now seem to be usual delays in shipping times). I plan to sell the books online as well as in person at two, perhaps three, Steampunk/costuming conventions a year. It has been quite a ride, and I couldn’t be more excited for the future! (Yes, another book, but not until I have this one done and printed.)

If you missed the Kickstarter and would like to purchase a copy of the book, you can pre-order one here!