Hello faithful readers (both of you 😂), I’m back for a it’s-been-a-crazy-year wrap-up!

My books finally arrived in August, not long after my last post about the summery outfit I made without a pattern.

I promptly hied myself off to a convention, schlepping my books with me, to test out the appeal, and my Spielâ„¢.

The fall was a blur, really, consisting of three more cons of various types, and then the holidays!

I designed 2 dresses completely from scratch and finished/redesigned two that were partially complete, for the 2022 TeslaCon fashion show. I had amazing models, and a great time! Some photos below, showing the beetlewing embroidery I did on one of the new creations, as beautifully modeled by the proud owner of the gown-

My outfit and the black and gold were not new, but had never been on a runway before, so I allowed it 🙂

The new year came before I knew it, and I whipped out a 2023 Victorian fashion calendar… YES, I have a 2024 one in the works, with more interesting features, in fact! stay tuned…

I DO have an imminent project that’s pretty fun- click HERE to get the cards, once the campaign launches!

Other than that, I DO plan to have a couple photo shoots this summer, launch a campaign for the 2024 calendars in a few months, my SECOND book a couple months after that, and work on the steampunk murder mystery game for 2024.

Besides going to conventions and making a couple new outfits for TeslaCon 2024, AND a new cosplay (Bo-Katan!) of course!

Hopefully my shame at neglecting you for so long will help me post more often, especially since I’m excited to give you updates about the new book… “The Halloween Collection: Costume and Cosplay Techniques”.


